October 19, 2007


Para quem tiver curiosidade sobre o tipo de tratamento usado em mim depois da cirurgia. Coisa de louco, só soube o nome da droga utilizada hoje, cinco anos mais tarde.

O processo não é tão ruim quanto parece e no meu caso, não tive NENHUM efeito colateral. Milagres acontecem!


This type of treatment gives the chemotherapy directly to the area of the liver that contains the cancer. Depending on the drugs used, you usually have to stay in hospital overnight or longer to have this treatment. It may be used if you cannot have your tumour removed by surgery.

You have this treatment in the X-ray department. You have a local anaesthetic injection and possibly a mild sedative. The doctor puts a tube called a catheter into the large artery in your groin, called the femoral artery. The doctor can then thread the catheter along the femoral artery until it reaches the hepatic artery that supplies blood to the liver.

The doctor will check that the catheter is in the right place in the liver. Then the chemotherapy is injected into the tube. Doxorubicin is the drug used most often for this type of treatment. The doctor also injects something to block the blood flow to the tumour. This might be tiny plastic beads or a type of gel. Blocking the flow of blood to the cancer helps to kill the cancer cells because it cuts off the tumour's food and oxygen supply. The chemotherapy will also kill liver cancer cells.

Chemoembolisation can cause side effects. You may feel, or be sick. Or you may have some pain or a raised temperature after the treatment. Your doctor will give you painkillers or anti sickness drugs (antiemetics) to control these side effects.

fonte: http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk/help/default.asp?page=4910#chemob

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